Yoga Nidra - The yogic sleep
Yogic sleep is a state between being awake and falling asleep. Just that perfect point at which our conscious awareness would slip into a dream state. Here we can access our subconscious mind is a very powerful way as well as imprint powerful suggestions such as our Sankalpa (goals).
Benefits of Yoga Nidra:
Rejuvenates the body.
Reduces stress.
Increases concentration.
Improves memory.
Improves the response of the autonomic nervous system.
Promotes states of deep relaxation.
Helps internalize experiences and facts.
Eliminates anxiety.
Yoga Nidra — The Blissful Relaxation
Most people sleep without resolving their tensions,
This is termed Nidra.
Nidra means sleep, no matter what or why,
But yoga Nidra means sleep after throwing off the burdens,
It is of a blissful, higher quality altogether.
When awareness is separate and distinct from the vrittis,
When waking, dream and deep sleep pass like clouds,
Yet awareness of atma remains
This is the experience of total relaxation.
Relaxation does not mean sleep.
Relaxation means to be blissfully happy,
It has no end.
I call bliss absolute relaxation.
Sleep gives only mind and sense relaxation.
Bliss relaxes the atma, the inner self.
That is why, in tantra,
Yoga Nidra is the doorway to samadhi.
Swami Satyananda Saraswati